• Stephanie Parker


    Pilates Training: The Pilates Center, Boulder, CO

    Specialties and advanced training: Postural assessment and corrective programming, shoulder, spinal, and hip pathologies and post-rehab, pre- and post-natal Pilates, foot health and pathologies, Certified Massage Therapist.

    Three favorite Pilates exercises: Only three?! Mermaid, Swan, Footwork, anything feet in straps, Long Stretch Series. Mermaid opens the whole side body like nothing else. Swan gets us out of our slump! Feet in Straps makes our legs weightless and massages our hip sockets, and Long Stretch Series makes you feel strong and long!

    Me, Myself and I: My super power is being the ring master of two kids, a hubby, two dogs, a bearded dragon and a horse. I love quiet time to myself, kombucha tea, and a good book. I’m usually reading books about the biomechanics of movement, but lately I’ve found that fiction quiets my always thinking mind.

  • Becky Elhardt


    Pilates Training: Polestar Pilates, PMA Certified

    Specialties and advanced training: Hip pathologies and post-rehab, functional movement for active aging population, lymphatic health.

    What motivates me to teach Pilates? My drive to teach is rooted in my love for movement in my own body paired with the desire to share Pilates with others. I am a fascinated with Pilates and the effects it has on the proprioception, intra-perception, fascial system, immune system, lymph system and mental health.

    Favorite Pilates exercises: Swan, Mermaid, Quadruped and Bridge are essential to my daily routine. I travel often and take Pilates from teachers all across the country. I love when a teacher finds a cue that helps me feel stronger, taller or more connected to my movement.

    Me, Myself and I: I am full of curiosity and would live multiple lives at once if possible! Pilates, real estate, food and art are just a few of the current lives I am living now. At my core I am a connector and a people person; nurturing friendships, family and community feed my soul.

  • Tracy


    Pilates Training: Polestar Pilates, PMA Certified

    Specialties: Functional movement for active aging populations, spinal pathologies, spinal fusions.

    What motivates me to teach Pilates: My interest lies in providing healthy and easy movement for people of all ages. I am fascinated by anatomy and how the body works. I have a special affinity for those of us with back problems and spinal fusions. I struggled with a bad low back for many years, and now that I have a healthy back (thank you to my surgeon and to Joe Pilates) I’m going to keep it that way!

    Three favorite Pilates exercises? I love planking because I couldn't do them for so long. Now that I can, I'm a happy Planker! I am also a big fan of the roll down series on the reformer, it feels like a complete package exercise for me. And finally, the standing split series on the reformer, I find my balance and courage up there!

    Me, Myself and I: I’m a bit of a science nerd, so I like the deep dives into all things related to movement and Pilates. I find myself reading about one thing and easily off to another related book to understand what I just read, which leads to another book to explain a concept, and then to a blog, or website… it's a rabbit hole at times. I enjoy hiking and paddleboarding, love the beach and sunshine and anything with lemon in it.

  • Lee


    Pilates Training: Polestar Pilates

    Specialties and advanced training: Osteoporosis, shoulder girdle health, athletic cross-training.

    What motivates you to teach Pilates? Teaching keeps me sane. Many years ago, while working my corporate job, I began teaching high impact aerobic classes. It was fun, but I beat my body up. After many years of teaching fitness classes, my supervisor asked if I was interested in getting a Pilates certification. Honestly, I had no idea what Pilates was, or how it was pronounced. I guess it’s not py-lates. That was in ’01 and it’s been great fun ever since.

    3 Pilates mat exercises you recommend clients do at home to complement their reformer classes? My favorite home mat exercises are roll-up/roll-down and single leg circles using a towel/band. I would add a few spinal extension exercises (swan).

    Me, Myself and I: I’m retired from what most people would consider a normal job; most of the day is open to my passion, cycling. Until recently, I built Pilates equipment, it was a meaningful way of keeping busy. Unfortunately, the abuse my body absorbed from building equipment took a toll on my body. A few years ago I had a spinal fusion and decided it was time to slow down and enjoy my life.

  • Cindy


    Pilates Training: Kolesar Body Knowledge Studio, Polestar Pilates

    Specialties and advanced trainings: Active Agers, Head Injury, Foot Care, Trauma Informed Pilates

    Three favorite Pilates exercises: Elephant is my Pilates power animal. I like the challenge of trying to feel light yet heavy at the same time when I am moving and how elongated my spine feels. Teaser, once I understood how to engage the right muscles and flow with ease, this became my new favorite movement. It was more than about creating the shape, it was having fun while doing it. Footwork on the reformer is my overall fave because it helps me feel grounded in my breath, mind and body as I start my practice. 

    Me, Myself and I: I love a good cuppa coffee (decaf now), being outdoors, breathwork and mindfulness practices. I love animals, especially my Golden Retriever, Oskar. And I know three languages! Spanish, English and American Sign language.

  • Isa


    Pilates Training: Certified Pilates Instructor from Texas Christian University's School for Classical & Contemporary Dance

    Specialties and advanced training: Fascial health, skeletal aligning, efficient muscular support, and injury prevention, BFA in Ballet, Pilates and functional alignment for dancers.

    What motivates me to teach Pilates? Movement is not only an incredible gift, but a key component to our lives. Although many physical forms help people to move, Pilates is particularly special because it addresses the body's needs holistically. I love seeing someone find less pain, greater ease throughout their regular day, enjoyment, strength, and overall health through their Pilates practice.

    Three favorite Pilates exercies: My favorite piece of equipment is the Cadillac. I love Forward Push Through, a Teaser challenge on any of the apparatus, and I do love a good hang from the fuzzies.

    Me, Myself and I: I love to dance! (All styles but especially ballet). I also love to be outside, attend any kind of performance, and I love being with my family and friends.